Loan Originators


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Loan type

Single payment consumer loan


Czech Republic


Skin in the gameThe phrase “Skin in the game” is commonly used in the corporate finance industry and refers to when an owner or a principal of an investment vehicle maintains an equity stake in circumstances outside investors seek to invest. This is to ensure the interests of the Loan Originator of the asset are aligned with the interests of the investor, as both sides have a stake in the investment.
All Loan Originators that place loans on the Monestro Marketplace must keep a certain percentage of each loan, which is their stake in the loan. If a Loan Originator with 10% Skin in the game issues a €1 000 loan to a borrower, and then places this loan on the Monestro Marketplace, only €900 of this loan will be available for investors to invest in and the Loan Originator will keep a stake of €100.
Skin in the game of 10% implies that up to 90% of the particular loan’s principal can be assigned to investors.

Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio

134 826 EUR

Borrower interest

1% per day

Interest rate offered to investors


Credit mediator license number

Issued on



Loan type

Credit line Consumer loan Refinancing loan


Flag: Lithuania on Apple


Skin in the gameThe phrase “Skin in the game” is commonly used in the corporate finance industry and refers to when an owner or a principal of an investment vehicle maintains an equity stake in circumstances outside investors seek to invest. This is to ensure the interests of the Loan Originator of the asset are aligned with the interests of the investor, as both sides have a stake in the investment.
All Loan Originators that place loans on the Monestro Marketplace must keep a certain percentage of each loan, which is their stake in the loan. If a Loan Originator with 10% Skin in the game issues a €1 000 loan to a borrower, and then places this loan on the Monestro Marketplace, only €900 of this loan will be available for investors to invest in and the Loan Originator will keep a stake of €100.
Skin in the game of 10% implies that up to 90% of the particular loan’s principal can be assigned to investors.

Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio

363 000 EUR

Borrower interest


Interest rate offered to investors


Credit mediator license number

Issued on

October 30, 2017


Loan type

Credit line Consumer loan Refinancing loan




Skin in the gameThe phrase “Skin in the game” is commonly used in the corporate finance industry and refers to when an owner or a principal of an investment vehicle maintains an equity stake in circumstances outside investors seek to invest. This is to ensure the interests of the Loan Originator of the asset are aligned with the interests of the investor, as both sides have a stake in the investment.
All Loan Originators that place loans on the Monestro Marketplace must keep a certain percentage of each loan, which is their stake in the loan. If a Loan Originator with 10% Skin in the game issues a €1 000 loan to a borrower, and then places this loan on the Monestro Marketplace, only €900 of this loan will be available for investors to invest in and the Loan Originator will keep a stake of €100.
Skin in the game of 10% implies that up to 90% of the particular loan’s principal can be assigned to investors.

Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio

1 775 000 EUR

Borrower interest


Interest rate offered to investors


Credit mediator license number

Issued on

March 28, 2016


NúNú Lán ehf.

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Loan type

Single payment consumer loan Consumer loan


Flag Lithuania


Skin in the gameThe phrase “Skin in the game” is commonly used in the corporate finance industry and refers to when an owner or a principal of an investment vehicle maintains an equity stake in circumstances outside investors seek to invest. This is to ensure the interests of the Loan Originator of the asset are aligned with the interests of the investor, as both sides have a stake in the investment.
All Loan Originators that place loans on the Monestro Marketplace must keep a certain percentage of each loan, which is their stake in the loan. If a Loan Originator with 10% Skin in the game issues a €1 000 loan to a borrower, and then places this loan on the Monestro Marketplace, only €900 of this loan will be available for investors to invest in and the Loan Originator will keep a stake of €100.
Skin in the game of 10% implies that up to 90% of the particular loan’s principal can be assigned to investors.

Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio

1 534 742 EUR

Borrower interest


Interest rate offered to investors

10,70% – 11%

Credit mediator license number

Issued on



Loan type

Consumer loan Transport pledge loan


Flag: Latvia on Apple


Skin in the gameThe phrase “Skin in the game” is commonly used in the corporate finance industry and refers to when an owner or a principal of an investment vehicle maintains an equity stake in circumstances outside investors seek to invest. This is to ensure the interests of the Loan Originator of the asset are aligned with the interests of the investor, as both sides have a stake in the investment.
All Loan Originators that place loans on the Monestro Marketplace must keep a certain percentage of each loan, which is their stake in the loan. If a Loan Originator with 10% Skin in the game issues a €1 000 loan to a borrower, and then places this loan on the Monestro Marketplace, only €900 of this loan will be available for investors to invest in and the Loan Originator will keep a stake of €100.
Skin in the game of 10% implies that up to 90% of the particular loan’s principal can be assigned to investors.

Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio

1 070 000 EUR

Borrower interest


Interest rate offered to investors


Credit mediator license number


Issued on



Loan type

Credit line Consumer loan Refinancing loan




Skin in the game


Buyback obligation

 Buyback guarantee yes

Total loan portfolio


Borrower interest


Interest rate offered to investors


Credit mediator license number


Issued on




Our Due Diligence procedure and Loan Originator scoring system is divided into five topics, where Monestro performs in-depth analysis.
We make sure Loan Originators onboarded to our platform are financially strong companies operating in stable and regulated environments throughout detailed examination.

1. Loan Originator trustworthiness and their AML compliance.

We ask for the Company’s and Group’s organisational structure charts to ensure that they are not overcomplicated. In that, we check that its management is trustworthy and has no negative feedback in the media. We also check that their current strategy and working ways are coherent with the current legislation. In the end, the final approval is made through in-depth analysis of legal documentation and main processes descriptions, ensuring the use of AML recognised practices and internal controls, and the use of fair main marketing and advertising strategies.

2. Loan quality and profitability.

To generate a more stable profit for our investors – in Monestro, we are primarily interested in less-risky high-quality loans. Each of the Loan Originator that would like to trade through our portal must provide their portfolio with historical records of successful loan performance and numbers of underperforming loans while having an overall comparison against industry-average ratios.

3. Ensure precise loan management and debt collection.

Our analysts make sure that Loan Originators have efficient loan quality and creditworthiness scoring models. We obtain an understanding of the main IT platform in use by them, their risk management policies, and the loan control and recovery process. All this has to show capability of fulfilling their obligations to our investors and us, ensuring timely fund transfers.

4. Company’s stability and long term accountability.

Loan Originators would be asked to provide annual reports for at least three years and monthly reports for the period from the last annual report and their forecasts. Our analysts are going through audit reports and the latest internal changes, ensuring that loan originators’ performance is profitable. We also focus on the company’s development plans – provided with set goals in order to make better forecasts in the long term.

5. Already onboarded Loan Originators.

The due diligence control continues after Loan Originator has been already onboarded in the system. We perform a quarterly review of Loan Originators’ financials as well as receiving audited financial statements annually. Furthermore, we continue to keep close track of each loan portfolio performance and make sure Loan Originators continue to fulfil their obligations and be accountable in line with the abovementioned criteria in the long run.